Australian Passport Photo Specifications

When obtaining our passport photos in Australia, we need to follow the rules that the Australian Passport Office has established so that our photos will be accepted for our passport. Otherwise, unacceptable photos will delay us from receiving our passports in a timely manner.

Basic Passport Photo Guidelines
Passport photos must be glossy and 35mm to 40mm wide by 45mm to 50mm high. The size of the face from crown to chin must be no smaller than 32mm and no larger than 36mm. The person’s face must be centered with no head tilt. There cannot be other objects in the picture and the background must be light. The person’s glasses cannot have dark lenses, cannot have reflections, and cannot obscure the eyes in any way. Hair styles cannot obscure the face and must be brushed back from the face.

We cannot wear head coverings, hats, or anything that covers our head and face. The only exception to this rule are items worn for religious reasons and those cannot hide our faces even partially. Our faces must be uncovered from our chins to our foreheads, and both sides of our faces must be clearly visible.

We must keep a neutral expression, neither smiling nor frowning, when the photo is taken.