Schengen Visa Photo Specifications

When you think about it, the Schengen visa is a pretty good deal. What the Schengen visa does is make travel between the 25 members who participate in the program more streamlined, less problematic, and gives the traveler the ability to avoid the bureaucratic red tape that would go along with applying for a visa to each individual country.

That doesn’t mean that it’s a simple procedure, though. The Schengen visa still has most of the requirements that all other ultra-modern, biometric security procedures that other countries have. In fact, in some ways, the Schengen visa is more precise in its requirements since it has to meet the standards of all 25 participating countries. That’s why it’s important to have high quality, visa and passport photo software.

Requirements and Specifications for Schengen Visa Photo

  • The photo should be 45mm tall by 35mm wide with the face a minimum of 32mm from chin to crown and a maximum of 36mm from chin to crown
  • The photo must clearly show the person’s full facial features. The photo must be straight on
  • No headwear is authorized except for religious purposes and only if it is part of the person’s usual wardrobe
  • The photo should be sharp and in focus
  • No shadows or red-eye allowed in the photos
  • The background would ideally be a neutral, light gray color or white and must be in contrast to the facial tone of the person. There should be no pattern on the background.
  • No shadows in the background and only the person’s face in the photo. No chair backs.
  • High-quality, photo paper with a print resolution of at least 600 dpi.
  • The eyes must be open. The person must have a neutral facial expression.
  • Eye glasses may be worn without tinted lenses. No sunglasses allowed.
  • Hair and headwear may not cover or cast shadow over the eyes.
  • The photo must be of high quality.

The 25 Countries that Participate in the Schengen Visa Program:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • The Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Iceland
  • Hungary
  • Luxembourg
  • Portugal
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Norway
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland